HackerNews Trends, Github Trends, Google Trends

You are reading news for 20231207

Hacker News Trends

Gemini AI

📜 Description: DeepMind introduces Gemini AI, a new advancement in AI technology.

JSONB has landed

📜 Description: SQLite announces the integration of JSONB, enhancing database functionality.

Governments spying on Apple, Google users through push notifications

📜 Description: Governments are reportedly using push notifications to spy on Apple and Google users.

Why is Jepsen written in Clojure?

📜 Description: An exploration of the reasons behind Jepsen being written in Clojure programming language.

All my favorite tracing tools

📜 Description: A comprehensive list and discussion of favorite tracing tools in technology.

Mold Course

📜 Description: The EPA introduces a course on mold, covering various aspects and prevention techniques.

GitHub Trends



📖 Description: MagicAnimate: Temporally Consistent Human Image Animation using Diffusion Model



📖 Description: Mamba



📖 Description: Extract WeChat chat records, export them to HTML, Word, CSV documents for permanent preservation, and analyze the chat records to generate an annual chat report



📖 Description: Windows system utilities to maximize productivity



📖 Description: 3D Visualization of an GPT-style LLM



📖 Description: A code-first agent framework for seamlessly planning and executing data analytics tasks.

Google Trends


🔊Search Volume: 500000

🔥 Popularity Reason: Reports of an active shooter at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) campus

Norman Lear

🔊Search Volume: 200000

🔥 Popularity Reason: Celebrating the 100th birthday of Norman Lear, an American television writer and producer

TIME Person of the Year 2023

🔊Search Volume: 200000

🔥 Popularity Reason: Announcement of TIME Magazine's Person of the Year for 2023

Ralph Cirella

🔊Search Volume: 200000

🔥 Popularity Reason: Discussions about Ralph Cirella, known for his work on the Howard Stern Show

Juan Soto

🔊Search Volume: 100000

🔥 Popularity Reason: Speculations about baseball player Juan Soto's potential trade to the Yankees

Man United vs Chelsea

🔊Search Volume: 50000

🔥 Popularity Reason: Anticipation for the upcoming football match between Manchester United and Chelsea


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